Cleaning Beer Tap Lines: Ensure Crisp, Fresh Brews!




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Cleaning beer tap lines involves flushing out stale beer and potential contaminants to ensure a fresh, quality taste. Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal beer flavour and hygiene.


Keeping beer tap lines clean is essential for any establishment serving draft beer. Over time, yeast, mould, and beer stone can build up within the lines, affecting the taste and safety of the beer served. By conducting routine cleaning, businesses maintain the integrity of their brews, providing customers with the best possible drinking experience.


The process usually requires specific cleaning solutions and equipment designed to remove all forms of buildup. Engaging in this practice not only preserves the quality of the beer but also extends the life of the tap system. This level of care is not just about maintaining standards; it also reflects an establishment’s commitment to customer satisfaction and health standards. Hence, a regular schedule for cleaning beer tap lines is not just recommended; it’s a cornerstone for any venue that prides itself on offering exceptional draft beer.


Cleaning Beer Tap Lines: Ensure Crisp, Fresh Brews!



Importance Of Clean Beer Tap Lines

Maintaining clean beer tap lines is crucial to any establishment serving draft beer. Over time, pipes can accumulate yeasts, bacteria, and mould. These contaminants affect the flavour and quality of beer. Regular cleaning ensures every pint poured is as fresh and delicious as intended by the brewer.

Quality Of Beer

Clean tap lines are the lifeline of great-tasting draft beer. Even small amounts of buildup can lead to off-flavours and tainting. Here are the impacts on beer quality:

  • Freshness – Regular cleaning preserves the beer’s intended flavour.
  • Carbonation – It maintains the proper levels for a perfect pour every time.
  • Clarity – Removes particles that can make beer look cloudy.

Customer Satisfaction

For a bar, restaurant, or brewery, customer satisfaction is critical. Clean tap lines contribute to:

  1. An enhanced customer experience as they enjoy the beer’s authentic taste.
  2. Consistent quality that will keep customers coming back for more.
  3. Positive reputation in a competitive market.

Signs Of Dirty Tap Lines

Clean beer tap lines are crucial for a tasty beer. Dirty lines can spoil the beer and your experience. Please take a look at the signs to make sure the best drink quality. Let’s explore the common indicators of unclean tap lines. Could you pay close attention to these signs? Your beer and taste buds will thank you.

Off-flavors In Beer

Beer should taste fresh and crisp. If it doesn’t, something’s wrong. Unusual or off flavors are a big hint. These bad tastes can include:

  • Buttery notes suggest diacetyl presence.
  • Vinegar-like sharpness, pointing to acetic acid.
  • Sourness or mustiness, indicating bacterial growth.

These flavours arise from yeast and bacterial contamination. This contamination comes from dirty tap lines. Always check your beer’s flavour to assess line cleanliness.

Presence Of Sediment

Another clear sign is sediment in your beer. This could look like:

Appearance  Possible Cause 
Cloudy or murky  Yeast or bacterial buildup 
Visible particles  Beer stone or hop residue 
Floating debris  Foreign contaminants 

Sediment can affect the beer’s flavour and appearance. Regular line cleaning removes residue. It keeps the beer tasting and looking its best. Always inspect your beer for a precise pour.


How To Clean Beer Tap Lines

Ensuring your beer tap lines are clean is critical for maintaining the flavor and freshness of your beer. Regular cleaning keeps unwanted flavours at bay and preserves the quality of the brew flowing into your glass. Let’s start with the steps for sparkling clean beer tap lines.

Gather Cleaning Supplies

  • Beer line cleaning kit
  • Sanitizer solution
  • Bucket for waste fluids
  • Protective gloves and glasses
  • Brushes for hard-to-reach areas

Brewery-approved cleaners guarantee the right clean without damaging your equipment.

Flush The Lines

Now, let’s get to flushing those lines clean.

  1. Disconnect the keg and tap the equipment
  2. Mix the cleaning solution as directed
  3. Pour or pump the solution through the lines
  4. Let the solution work its magic (follow kit instructions for timing)
  5. Rinse thoroughly with clean water

Perform this process regularly to enjoy fresh, tasty beer every pour.

The Essential Guide for a Manual Clean


  • Always perform the beer line clean when the pub or bar is closed. This gives more excellent safety to customers and staff (People have been seriously injured drinking beer line cleaner). It will also reduce the pressure on you to get the line back in service, allowing you to do a thorough cleaning.
  • Switch off the remote chiller units the night before – Beer line cleaners are not designed to be cooled below 0ºC and will freeze, causing issues and delays in waiting for the lines to thaw out. Frozen beer line cleaner can also cause flavour taints to the beer lines, which can be challenging to remove.
  • Use warning signs on the beer engines and fonts to show line cleaning is being performed – This is another safety plus as it lets other staff around the area know that the beer line will contain cleaning fluid. Signage can be made by yourself using a printer, or some breweries will provide them.

Cleaning the Beer Lines

  • Ensure the cleaning vessel is free from dirt and other contaminants, then fill the cleaning vessel with clean, cold water.

cleaning vessel

  • Turn off all of the gas taps to the kegs.

gas taps

  • Disconnect all Keg Couplers and give them a spray with a cellar hygiene spray. Use a brush to remove any built-up dirt deposits.

Keg Couplers

  • Spray each Cleaning Ring Main socket and attach each coupler to the cleaning ring main.

ring main

  • Turn on the gas or compressed air supply to the cleaning pump.

gas supply-cleaning pump

  • Bleed each FOB detector until all the beer was replaced with water.

fob detector

  • Pop to the bar and open each tap until all of the beer in the lines has been replaced with water before closing again.


  • Head down to the cellar and add the correct amount of beer line cleaner to the cleaning vessel (The manufacturer will have the right dosage on the back of the bottle).

cleaning vessel

  • Fill the cleaning vessel back up to the full mark with cold water.

hose of water

  • I bled each FOB Detector until the water was replaced with a beer line cleaning solution.

fob detector

  • In the bar, open each tap until all the water in the lines is replaced with a beer line cleaning solution before closing again.


  • Leave the beer line cleaner to soak in the beer line system for the amount of time recommended by the manufacturer – Have a cup of tea or bacon sandwich to pass the time! (wash hands before handling food).


  • Open each beer line tap again to remove the used beer line cleaner, and let each one fill with fresh solution.


  • Check the FOB detectors in the cellar. They are still packed to the top and bleed, any of which have dropped or have any air bubbles inside.

fob detector

  • Leave the lines to soak again for the recommended time. – Have another cup of tea!


  • Open the taps and remove the used beer line cleaner, replacing it with fresh; once more, check the FOB detectors are still full and leave for one final soak – More Tea!
  • Rinse out the cleaning vessel thoroughly with clean cold water and fill it to the full mark with water.
  • Each FOB Detector was bled until the beer line cleaner was flushed out and replaced with water.

fob detector

  • Pop back to the bar and open each tap, replace all of the beer line cleaners in the lines with water, and then pull through at least 2-3 pints extra to ensure all of the beer line cleaners have been removed.


  • Head down to the cellar and empty any water from the cleaning vessel.
  • Turn off the gas or compressed air supply to the cleaning pump.

gas supply-cleaning pump

  • Disconnect the keg couplers from the central cleaning ring and reconnect each one to the correct barrel; give each cleaning ring main socket a cellar hygiene spray.

spray cleaner

  • Turn on the gas supply to each keg.

gas taps on

  • Bleed each FOB Detector until the water is replaced with beer.
  • Head back to the bar and open each tap, replacing the water with beer.
  • Check the beer for clarity, colour and taste.







Frequency Of Cleaning

Keeping beer tap lines spotless is crucial for quality brews. Clean lines mean better-tasting beer. Establish a routine to maintain purity and flavour. Let’s dive into how often this should happen.

Regular Cleaning Schedule

Experts agree that every two weeks is ideal for cleaning beer tap lines. Stick to this timeline religiously to prevent buildup, infections, and off-flavours.

  • Flush the lines with water after each keg.
  • Use a quality cleaner during cleanings.
  • Conduct thorough rinse cycles post-cleaning.

Factors Affecting Frequency

Your schedule might need adjustments. Consider these factors:

Type of Beer  Cleaning Frequency 
Light Lagers  Every two weeks 
Stouts & Ales  Weekly 

Darker and heavier beers often demand more attention. They can leave more residue on the lines.

High-traffic establishments should be cleaned more often. Check lines weekly to ensure quality.

Lastly, climate plays a part. Warmer areas may need frequent cleaning due to faster bacterial growth.


Professional Cleaning Services

Keeping beer tap lines immaculate is crucial for the quality of beer. Beer enthusiasts know that the taste of their favourite brew can suffer from poorly maintained lines. Professional cleaning services offer a hassle-free solution, ensuring beverage quality and equipment longevity.

Benefits Of Professional Cleaning

  • Enhanced Taste and Quality: Regular professional cleaning prevents yeast and bacteria buildup, maintaining optimal beer flavour.
  • Longer Equipment Life: Cleaning removes harmful deposits that could degrade taps and lines over time.
  • Consistent Carbonation: Clean lines mean proper pressure and carbonation levels, vital for the perfect pour.
  • Compliance and Safety: Professional cleaning ensures adherence to health codes, keeping your establishment up to standards.

Choosing The Right Service Provider

Selecting a reputable cleaning service is vital. Look for these qualities:

Quality Indicator  Why It Matters 
Experience  Years in the industry mean reliable expertise
References  Positive feedback indicates trustworthy services
Certification  Proper accreditation ensures knowledge of safety standards
Service Frequency  Determine if they offer routine cleanings that fit your needs. 
Custom Solutions  Flexible services can adapt to your specific setup. 




Frequently Asked Questions On Cleaning Beer Tap Lines


How Often Should You Clean Beer Line Taps?


Clean beer line taps every two weeks to maintain optimal taste and hygiene. Regular maintenance prevents buildup and ensures quality.


What Is The Best Chemical To Clean Beer Lines With?


The best chemical to cleanse beer lines is an alkaline-based cleaner that breaks down organic residues.


Can You Clean Beer Lines With Just Water?


Cleaning beer lines with just water is not recommended. Water alone won’t remove the yeast, bacteria, and beer stone buildup. For effective cleaning, use a specialized beer line cleaner.


How Do You Clean Beer Gas Lines?


Disconnect the lines from the keg. Flush them with warm water. Next, run a brewery-approved cleaner through the pipes. Rinse thoroughly with clean water. Reattach the cables to the keg system.




Maintaining clean beer tap lines ensures every pour is fresh and flavorful. It’s a simple, crucial step for the best beer experience. Regular cleaning stops buildup and bacteria growth. Remember, a little effort in maintenance will keep your taps in prime condition and your beers tasting great.


Cheers to cleanliness and top-quality brews!

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